
Homework Chapter 19

Chapter 19

            In this world have a peson is the greatest. She is our mother. She give our life and live. She give our money to go to school. She cooking ever day for our. I love my mom. I think she is my superstar.

             I feel that my culture places too many restrictions on teenagers. Befor you go to university you will can't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. You can't go out play with friends long time. If you got a boyfriend or girlfriend when you in the high school ang your parents know then you will got a big problem. I know they just don't want our study hard. But I think this idea has same problem.


Homework Chapter 18

Chapter 18

            I have a formula for a healthy life. It's really easy to get. Just drink more water and eat a lot of vegetables. Don't get too more meats. Because it is not good for you. 

            I did tried to imitate another person's style of speaking. Because I didn't find anyone who's style I like. I always just think this one so so, this one not bad. I really didn't find any style is my favorite style. But I remember I can find that style in my future. 


Homework Chapter 17

Chapter 17

            I'll moving to a new country to work for a season and then returning home. Because I think home country is best country for everyone. I don't want leave my home country. In my country have my friends, my family, and have a lot of reminiscences. I love me country.

            I am not very good for anything. But I get drown very well. And I can tell you how to drown well. It's really easy to get, because when we were children we can drown to tell everybody what do we thinking about. Just use a lot of time to drown and you will drowning well. We don't have any shortcut, only drowning, drowning and drowning. Then you'll find your drown style.